Health Equity
Bethlehem Family Doctors is committed to achieving equity in health outcomes for patients, irrespective of ethnicity, culture, gender, religion, political leaning, age or ability.
The Ministry of Health definition of equity is:
In Aotearoa New Zealand, people have differences in health that are not only avoidable but unfair and unjust. Equity recognises different people with different levels of advantage require different approaches and resources to get equitable health outcomes.
The definition is designed to:
- fit the New Zealand context
- align with Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligations to go beyond just remedying disadvantage and reducing inequities, enabling Māori to flourish and lead their aspirations for health
- be principle based
- be inclusive enough to incorporate all possible dimensions of equity (indigenous, socio-economic, geographically, disability, etc.)
- reflect the international literature on equity
- reflect the definition put forward by the World Health Organization.