Dr Kate McIntosh
MBChB(Distinction) 2015, Dip Paeds
I grew up in Wellington and graduated from Otago Medical School. I moved to the beautiful Bay of Plenty in 2015 where I gained experience at Tauranga hospital working in both general medical and surgical specialties. I completed 3 years of work in Paediatrics and Children’s Health, completing a diploma in Paediatrics from Auckland university. I am passionate about children’s health, women’s health and holistic family care. I was drawn to general practice because of the opportunity to be involved with a whole whanau through different seasons of life and to work with a wide range of people and their health needs. I am also particularly interested in palliative care. My career aspirations include continued learning of te Reo Maori, and I would like to be involved in medical education in the future.
I have been involved in medical aid work in Nepal, Cambodia and Zambia. I live with my husband and our young daughter. I find great enjoyment in being with my family, being active and spending time outdoors, particularly at the beach. I enjoy baking and travelling.